List Regulators for the Forex Industry
Should You Trade At A Regulated Broker?”
In contradiction to many years ago where commodities where ex and imported, these days things are a bit different.
Trading trends are following each other in rapid paste and with cryptocurrency & Forex trading being the latest and very popular trading method. When trading cryptocurrencies or regular Forex, one is proving his intelligence by predicting the right price direction of an asset.
If correctly done, great payouts can be the result.
Forex and cryptocurrency trading has really become incredibly popular, even to the amazement of many forex brokers. Of course, this popularity also brings many risks to brokers as there are always people trying or literally fooling the brokers with fraudulent actions. broker scams happen on a high level and brokers incur big losses due to them.
These are the regulated entities that currently offer regulations to the Forex industry.
Every regulations has some of its own rules ans ways of working but in general they are all pretty much the same, some are just a bit bit more stringent then others when it comes to monitoring the brokers.
For all the rules and policies , visit their website .
AfghanistanInvestment Support Agency (AISA) |
The aim of the Investment Support Agency of Afghanistan is to develop and promote foreign investment, business growth and foreign partnerships through proper policies and regulations. Their website displays the latest relevant list of laws, current industrial parks, and lists the reasons to invest in Afghanistan. |
Albania Albanian Financial Supervisory Authority |
The Albanian Financial Supervisory Authority is responsible for the supervision and regulation of the financial services industry of Albania. Their website publishes a list of publications, applicable laws, statistics, and additional links that might come in handy. |
Andorra Central Bank of Andorra |
The Central Bank of Andorra has multiple functions just to name a few they are responsible for maintaining the public treasury and debt departments, international relations, Policy making and regulation of the Financial Services Industry within Andorra. |
Antigua & Barbuda Financial Services Regulatory CommissionThe Financial Services Regulatory Commission of Antigua & Barbuda is accountable and responsible for the regulations and supervision of the Financial Services Industry within Antigua & Barbuda. Their website publishes a list of services provided in addition to the relevant directories.Antigua and Barbuda Antigua & Barbuda Investment Authority (ABIA) |
The Antigua & Barbuda Investment Agency (ABIA) was created by the government of Antigua & Barbuda to attract domestic and foreign investment in the country. Their website provides investors with the relevant information on the domestic regulations and on local industries and facilities available. |
Argentina Comision Nacional de Valores (CNV) |
The Comision Nacional de Valores (CNV) is responsible for the regulation oversight and policies of the Argentinian Financial Services Industry. Their website is currently only available in Spanish. |
AustraliaAustralian Prudential Regulation Authority |
The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority provides oversight and regulation to all areas of the Financial Services Industry within Australia. The website are offers information on the latest publications an, policies and statistics. |
AustraliaAustralian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) |
The Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) is functioning as the regulating entity for the corporate, markets and financial services within Australia. They deal with the registration of securities in addition to watching over all of the financial reporting and market mechanics. Their website publishes useful links and publications for all users of the Australian Financial Services Industry. |
Austria Financial Market Authority |
The Austrian Financial Market Authority is responsible for the regulation and supervision of the Austrian Financial Services Industry. You will be able to find industry relevant information on their website as here they publish a list of all applicable laws and relevant links for different sectors of the Austrian Financial Services Industry. |
Bahamas Securities Commission of the Bahamas (SCB) |
The Securities Commission of the Bahamas (SCB) is accountable and responsible for the regulations and supervision of the Financial Services Industry in the Bahamas. Their website publishes information on how they regulate the laws they enforce, recent relevant publications, and information dedicated to investors. |
Bahrain Ministry of Finance |
The Ministry of Finance of Bahrain is responsible for all aspects of the Financial Services Industry in Bahrain. This includes the promotions regulation and monitoring of the industry. The website offer additional information about laws and budgets in addition to the latest relevant publications and analysis. |
Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission |
The Securities and Exchange Commission of Bangladesh is responsible for creating policies and regulating the Financial Services Industry in Bangladesh. Their website publishes a list of recent press releases and important links for investors. |
Barbados Financial Intelligence Unit |
The Barbados Financial Intelligence Unit is responsible for regulating all monetary and financial activity in Barbados to try to spot any potential fraud or money laundering. Their website publishes important guidelines for business as well as the latest publications relevant for the industry. |
Belgium Financial Services Market Authority (FSMA) |
The Financial Services Market Authority (FSMA) is responsible for the regulation and oversight of the Belgian Financial Services Industry. You will be able to find industry relevant information on their website as here they publish news and relevant links organized by financial products. |
BermudaBermuda Monetary Authority (BMA) |
The Bermuda Monetary Authority (BMA) is the regulator of the Financial Services Industry in Bermuda. Their website publishes all of the information on regulations and compliance organized by sectors. |
Bhutan Royal Monetary Authority of Bhutan (RMA) |
Royal Monetary Authority of Bhutan (RMA) is the central banking institution of Bhutan. Their main purpose is to regulate monetary policy in Bhutan. they are responsible for the development and implementation for laws that deal with brokers, insurance companies, and bankruptcies. |
Bolivia Financial Regulatory Authority (ASFI), |
The Autoridad de Supervisión del Sistema Finaciero (ASFI), has all the financial services under their supervision and is the sole responsible party in Bolivia. Their website publishes statistics, publications, regulations, consumer information, and more essential information. Currently their website is only available in Spanish. |
Bolivia Ministry of Economy and Public Finance |
The Ministerio de Economía y Finanzas Públicas, is responsible for the implementation and monitoring of the financial services industry in Bolivia. |
Bosnia and Herzegovina Securities Commission of the Federation of Bosnia |
The Securities Commission of the Federation of Bosnia is responsible for the policies and regulations that impact the Bosnian Financial Services Industry in order to ensure a fair market for all competitors. |
Brazil Securities and Exchange Commission of Brazil (CVM) |
The Securities and Exchange Commission of Brazil (CVM) is responsible for the policies and regulations in Brazil. Their website publishes the latest regulatory publications, and industry relevant links. |
Brunei Autoriti Monetari Brunei Darussalam (AMBD) |
The Autoriti Monetari Brunei Darussalam (AMBD) is responsible for policy development and regulatory affairs as they impact the Financial Services Industry of Brunei. Their website publishes a list of regulatory information divided by sectors as well as information on financial intelligence and monetary policy in Brunei. |
Brunei Ministry of Finance |
The Ministry of Finance is responsible for monitoring and regulating the use of all public funds within Brunei. |
Bulgaria Financial Supervision Commission (FSC) |
The Financial Supervision Commission (FSC) is charged with maintaining stability and transparency through policy development, promotion, and regulation. Their website publishes information on the FSC’s projects and functions as well as relevant information organized by segment of the Financial Services Industry. |
Canada Canadian Securities Administrators |
The Canadian Securities Administrators is an umbrella organization composed of all of Canada’s provincial financial regulators that exists to try to create equal and consistent regulation and financial markets across Canada. Their website publishes a lot of resources including investor tools and information on regulatory enforcement. |
Canada Department of Finance |
The Department of Finance is responsible for the use and regulation of Canada’s public funds as well as regulating international trade with Canada. |
Canada Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada (IIROC) |
The Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada (IIROC) creates the rules that all regulatory agencies in the Financial Services Industry in Canada must adhere to. Their website publishes these rules as well as notices, news, and the IIROC Advisor Report. |
Canada Mutual Fund Dealers Association (MFDA) |
The Mutual Fund Dealers Association (MFDA) is a self-regulatory agency for the distributors of mutual funds within Canada. Their website publishes information on regulation and enforcement as well as an area where one can check the background of a mutual fund adviser or distributor. |
Cayman Islands Department of Commerce & Investment |
The Department of Commerce & Investment is responsible for the promotion of investment within the Cayman Islands. This entity functions and a one stop shop for potential investors. |
Cayman Islands The Cayman Islands Monetary Authority |
The Monetary Authority regulates and supervises the financial services industry. Their main purpose id to issue currency notes and keep the financial system stable. Their website offers general information about fiduciary, investment, banking and insurance services. In addition it offers the latest press releases, relevant statistics, and general publications. |
Chile Superintendencia de Valores y Seguros (SVS) |
Superintendencia de Valores y Seguros (SVS) is the regulatory agency overseeing the securities and insurance segments of the Chilean Financial Services Industry. You will be able to find industry relevant information on their website as here they publish a list of relevant legislation, statistics, presentations, and recent news. |
China China Banking Regulatory Commission (CBRC) |
The China Banking Regulatory Commission (CBRC) is responsible for the supervision and regulation of the banking sector of China’s financial services Industry. You will be able to find industry relevant information on their website as here they publish a directory of regulations and reports. |
China China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) |
The China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) is accountable and responsible for the regulations and supervision of the securities and futures segments of the Chinese financial services industry. |
Colombia Superintendencia Financiera de Colombia |
The Superintendencia Financiera de Colombia is accountable and responsible for the regulations and supervision of the entire Financial Services Industry in Colombia. This website provides a list of regulations and news organized by financial sectors. The website is currently online available in the in Spanish language. |
Croatia Croatian Financial Services Supervisory Agency |
The Croatian Financial Services Supervisory Agency is accountable and responsible for the regulations and supervision of the Croatian Financial Services Industry. You will be able to find industry relevant information on their website as here they publish news on regulations, decrees, and statements as well as specific information organized by applicable sectors of the industry. |
Cyprus Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC) |
The Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission is accountable and responsible for the regulations and supervision of the financial services industry within Cyprus. Their website publishes a all of the current regulations with latest updates. |
Cyprus Ministry of Finance |
The Ministry of Finance is responsible for economic policy development and the regulation of public funds within Cyprus. |
Denmark Finanstilsynet (FSA) |
Finanstilsynet (FSA) is charged with the oversight and regulation of the Danish Financial Services Industry. You will be able to find industry relevant information on their website as here they publish a directory of regulations and laws accompanied with some relevant statistics. |
Dominican Republic Superintendencia de Bancos (SB) |
The Superintendencia de Bancos (SB) is responsible for the supervision and regulation of the banking sector of the Dominican Republic’s Financial Services Industry. You will be able to find industry relevant information on their website as here they publish news on the regulations and services of which the SB is in charge. Currently the website is only offering the Spanish language. |
Dominican Republic Superintendencia de Valores (SIV) |
The Superintendencia de Valores (SIV) is accountable and responsible for the regulations and supervision of the securities market within the Dominican Republic’s Financial Services Industry. . Their website publishes a list of regulation that is or will be implemented. Currently the website is only offering the Spanish language. . |
CaribbeanEastern Caribbean Central Bank |
Established in 1983, the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank is the monetary authority for Commonwealth of Dominica, Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Grenada, Saint Lucia, Montserrat, Saint Kitts and Nevis, and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. this entity sole task is to keep the EC dollar stable through regulations and development of their mutual banking system |
Egypt Egyptian Financial Supervisory Authority |
The mission of the Egyptian Financial Supervisory Authority (EFSA) is “to regulate and supervise non-banking financial markets to maintain their integrity, stability and efficiency. their purpose is to protect the participants of their market and to develop it further. Their website publishes a good amount of different resources according to different sectors. |
El Salvador Department of Finance |
The Superintendencia del Sistema Financiero, is within El Salvador the only legal body that responsible for the oversight and regulation of the entire financial services Industry within. Their website publishes statistics, regulations, and financial statements. |
Estonia Finantsinspektsioon |
Finantsinspektsioon is accountable and responsible for the regulations and supervision of the entire Financial Services Industry within Estonia. Their website publishes current market information and annual reports. |
Finland Financial Supervisory Authority (FIN-FSA) |
The Finland Financial Supervisory Authority (FIN-FSA) is charged with the oversight and regulation of the entire Finnish Financial Services Industry. You will be able to find industry relevant information on their website as here they publish news concerning securities registration current regulations and the latest publications. |
France Financial Markets Authority (AMF) |
The Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF) is accountable and responsible for the regulations and supervision of the securities and financial markets segments of the Financial Services Industry in France. Their website publishes information concerning all laws and regulations with the latest news updates. |
Germany Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) |
The Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) is accountable and responsible for the regulations and supervision of the Financial Services Industry within Germany. Their website publishes relevant links and data organized by appropriate users (investment professionals or consumers). |
Greece Hellenic Republic Capital Market Commission (HCMC) |
The Hellenic Republic Capital Market Commission (HCMC) is accountable and responsible for the regulations and supervision of the capital market sector of the Greek Financial Services Industry. You will be able to find industry relevant information on their website as here they publish publications and services provided by the HCMC as well as useful links for investors. |
Grenada Grenada Authority for the Regulation of Financial Institutions (GARFIN) |
The Grenada Authority for the Regulation of Financial Institutions (GARFIN) is accountable and responsible for the regulations and supervision of the Financial Services Industry within Grenada. Their website publishes a list of resources by sector and publications produced by GARFIN. |
Hong Kong Hong Kong Monetary Authority |
The Hong Kong Monetary Authority is the governmental authority in Hong Kong responsible for maintaining monetary and banking stability through policy development and regulation. . Their website publishes the latest statistics and news publications in addition to all the regulations currently active. |
Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission of Hong Kong (SFC) |
The Securities and Futures Commission of Hong Kong (SFC) is accountable and responsible for the regulations and supervision of the securities and futures sectors of the Hong Kong Financial Services Industry. You will be able to find industry relevant information on their website as here they publish a directory of regulations, services and latest publications. |
Hungary Hungarian Financial Services Authority (HFSA) |
The Hungarian Financial Services Authority (HFSA) is charged with the oversight and regulation of the Hungarian Financial Services Industry. You will be able to find industry relevant information on their website as here they publish a directory of regulations, services and latest publications. |
Iceland The Financial Supervisory Authority (FME) |
The Financial Supervisory Authority (FME) is accountable and responsible for the regulations and supervision of the Financial Services Industry within Iceland. Their website publishes a directory of regulations, services and latest publications. Their website is available in English and Icelandic. |
India Forward Markets Commission |
The Forward Markets Commission is a subsidiary of the Department of Consumer Affairs. This Commission is responsible for the regulation and oversight of the Indian futures sector. Their website publishes a overview of all regulations and market information and statistics. Their website is fully functional in the following languages: Hindi and English. |
India Ministry of Finance |
The Ministry of Finance is divided into multiple parts. Information on all the different commissions and departments in the ministry (Revenues, Economic Affairs, Disinvestment, Expenditures and Financial Services,) will be found here together with annual provided, taxation and legislation information, investment information. Their website is available in English and Hindi. |
India Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) |
The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) is accountable and responsible for the regulations and supervision of the securities sector of the Financial Services Industry within India. Their website publishes a list of regulations, publications, statistics, and news. Their website is fully functional in the following languages: English and Hindi. |
Indonesia Bapepam-LK |
Bapepam-LK is charged with the oversight and regulation of the Indonesian Financial Services Industry. You will be able to find industry relevant information on their website as here they publish recent news, regulations and laws, and publications. This website is currently only available in the Indonesian language. |
Israel Israel Securities Authority (ISA) |
The Israel Securities Authority (ISA) is charged with the oversight and regulation of the securities and capital markets sectors of the Israeli Financial Services Industry. You will be able to find industry relevant information on their website as here they publish information organized by sub-sectors (such as for mutual funds only) and international and domestic regulatory information. |
Italy Commissione Nazionale per le Societa e la Borsa (CONSOB) |
Commissione Nazionale per le Societa e la Borsa (CONSOB) is accountable and responsible for the regulations and supervision of the Italian Financial Services Industry. You will be able to find industry relevant information on their website as here they publish an overview of the regulations and laws in addition to some educations resources. |
Jamaica Financial Services Commission |
The Financial Services Commission is charged with the oversight and regulation of the Jamaican Financial Services Industry. You will be able to find industry relevant information on their website as here they publish plenty of resource divided by relevant sector of the industry. |
Japan Financial Services Agency (FSA) |
The Financial Services Agency (FSA) of Japan is accountable and responsible for the regulations and supervision of the Japanese Financial Services Industry. You will be able to find industry relevant information on their website as here they publish a list of news and laws that are applicable to the Japanese markets. This website is available in English and Japanese. |
Japan Securities and Exchange Surveillance Commission (SESC) |
The Securities and Exchange Surveillance Commission (SESC) of Japan is accountable and responsible for the regulations and supervision of the securities and capital market sectors of the Japanese financial services Industry. You will be able to find industry relevant information on their website as here they publish news and regulations as they apply to Japan. Their website is fully functional in the following languages: English and Japanese. |
JordanJordan Securities Commission (JSC) |
The Jordan Securities Commission (JSC) is accountable and responsible for the regulations and supervision of the Financial Services Industry within Jordan. Their website publishes news, regulations and the latest updates concerning the services provided the JSC. Currently their website is available in Arabic and English. |
Kenya Capital Market Authority (CMA) |
The Capital Market Authority (CMA) is charged with the oversight and regulation of the capital market sector of the Kenyan Financial Services Industry. You will be able to find industry relevant information on their website as here they publish an overview of all the relevant financial and investor information together with the latest news and regulations that apply in Kenya.. |
Kuwait Ministry of Finance |
The Ministry of Finance is a responsible for regulating Kuwait’s Financial Services Industry and Kuwait’s international trade. Their website publishes a listing of all of the guidelines and industry laws. |
Latvia Financial and Capital Market Commission (FKTK) |
The Financial and Capital Market Commission (FKTK) is in charge of the oversight and regulation of the Latvian Financial Services Industry. You will be able to find industry relevant information on their website as here they publish relevant information organized by sectors as well as aggregate news and publications. |
Lebanon Banking Control Commission of Lebanon (BCCL) |
The Banking Control Commission of Lebanon (BCCL) is charged with the oversight and regulation of the banking sector of the Financial Services Industry within Lebanon. |
Liechtenstein Financial Market Authority of Liechenstein |
The Financial Market Authority of Liechtenstein is responsible for the regulation and monitoring of the Financial Services Industry in Liechtenstein. Their website publishes an overview of all resources available and already organized according to specific sectors. their website is currently available in both English and German. |
Luxembourg Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF) |
The Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF) is accountable and responsible for the regulations and supervision of the Financial Services Industry within Luxembourg. Their website publishes news and publications as well as relevant regulatory information organized by sectors. Their website is fully functional in the languages German, English and French. |
Malaysia Securities Commission Malaysia (SCM) |
Securities Commission Malaysia (SCM) is accountable and responsible for the regulations and supervision of the Malaysian Financial Services Industry. You will be able to find industry relevant information on their website as here they publish statistics and information concerning legislation and enforcement. Their website is fully functional in the following languages of English and Malay. |
Malta Malta Financial Services Authority (MFSA) |
The Malta Financial Services Authority (MFSA) is responsible for the regulations, monitoring and totals oversight of the Maltese Financial Services Industry within Malta. |
Mexico Comision Nacional Bancaria y de Valores (CNBV) |
The Comision Nacional Bancaria y de Valores (CNBV) is responsible for the regulations, monitoring and totals oversight of the Mexican banking and brokerage sectors. Their website publishes information on regulation, statistics, and international affairs. This website is available in Spanish. |
Mexico Ministry of Finance |
The Mexican Ministry of Finance is responsible for the regulation and use of public funds as well as the development of economic policy. The website provides official information on the Mexican economy, including basic data as well as documents and reports on the economic policy are provided. Their website is currently available in English and Spanish. |
Morocco Conseil Déontologique des Valeurs Mobilières (CDVM) |
Conseil Déontologique des Valeurs Mobilières (CDVM) is charged with the oversight and regulation of the Financial Services Industry in morocco. Their website publishes relevant information for companies and investors alike in addition to an overview of all the applicable regulations and laws. Their website is fully functional in the following languages: English, French, and Arabic. |
Netherlands Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets (AFM) |
The Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets (AFM) is accountable and responsible for the regulations and supervision of the Financial Services Industry within the Netherlands. |
New Zealand Financial Markets Authority (FMA)The New Zealand Financial Markets Authority (FMA) is responsible for the oversight and regulation. Their website publishes information on compliance, investing and legislation.Nigeria Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) |
The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) of Nigeria is accountable and responsible for the regulations and supervision of the Nigerian Financial Services Industry. You will be able to find on the website the latest news updates and market information for the financial sector within Nigeria. |
Norway Finanstilsynet (FSA) |
Finanstilsynet (FSA) is charged with the oversight and regulation of the Norwegian Financial Services Industry. You will be able to find industry relevant information on their website as here they publish relevant resources organized by sectors as well as an overview of regulations. |
Pakistan Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) |
The Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) is accountable and responsible for the regulations and supervision of the Financial Services Industry in Pakistan. You will be able to find (organized by relevant sectors.) all the latest news and publications on their website. |
Panama Superintendency de Bancos Panama (SBP) |
Superintendency de Bancos Panama (SBP) is accountable and responsible for the regulations and supervision of the banking sector of Panama’s Financial Services Industry. You will be able to find a full overview of the current regulations and statistics, on their website which is written in Spanish and English. |
Philippines Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) |
The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is accountable and responsible for the regulations and supervision of the Philippine Financial Services Industry. |
Poland Polish Financial Supervision Authority (KNF) |
The Polish Financial Supervision Authority (KNF) is accountable and responsible for the regulations and supervision of the Polish Financial Services Industry. You will be able to find a full overview of the current regulations, publications, and market informations organized by relevant sector. |
Portugal Comissao do Mercado de Valores Mobiliarios (CMVM) |
The Comissao do Mercado de Valores Mobiliarios (CMVM) is accountable and responsible for the regulations and supervision of the Financial Services Industryin Portugal. Their website publishes lots of information, news and statistics. Available in Portuguese and English. |
Romania Romanian National Securities Commission (CNVM)The Romanian National Securities Commission (CNVM) is charged with the oversight and regulation of the Romanian Financial Services Industry.Russia Federal Service for Financial Markets |
The Federal Service for Financial Markets is accountable and responsible for the regulations and supervision of the Russian Financial Services Industry. You will be able to find industry relevant information on their website as here they publish recent news and regulation. Their website is currently available in Russian only. |
Saint Lucia Financial Sector Supervision Unit |
The Financial Sector Supervision Unit is responsible for the supervision and regulation of the Financial Services Industry within Saint Lucia. You will be able to find all the information you need on their website concerning regulation and reporting agencies. |
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Financial Services Authority |
The Financial Services Authority provides a wealth of relevant knowledge for business professionals interested in the financial industry of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. |
Saudi Arabia Capital Market Authority (CMA) |
The Capital Market Authority (CMA) is accountable and responsible for the regulations and supervision of the Saudi Arabia Financial Services Industry. You will be able to find industry relevant information on their website as here they publish the latest news on regulations, qualifying exams, and publications. |
Serbia Republic of Serbia Securities Commission |
The Republic of Serbia Securities Commission is accountable and responsible for the regulations and supervision of the Serbian Financial Services Industry. You will be able to find a full overview of the current regulations and educational courses. Almost of the provided informations is in the Serbian Language. |
Slovenia Insurance Supervisory Agency (AZN) |
The Insurance Supervisory Agency (AZN) is accountable and responsible for the regulations and supervision of the insurance sector of the Financial Services Industry within Slovenia. Their website publishes a list of reports, legislation, and AZN undertakings. |
South Africa Financial Services Board |
The Financial Services Board is in charge of the oversight and regulation of the non-banking sectors of South Africa’s Financial Services Industry. You will be able to find industry relevant information on their website as here they publish industry links, legislation, and publications. |
South Korea Financial Services Commission (FSC) |
The Financial Services Commission (FSC) is accountable and responsible for the regulations and supervision of South Korea’s credit and equity sectors of the Financial Services Industry. You will be able to find industry relevant information on their website as here they publish laws, news, and relevant links. |
South Korea Financial Supervisory Service (FSS) |
The Financial Supervisory Service (FSS) is accountable and responsible for the regulations and supervision of institutions that operate in the South Korean Financial Services Industry. You will be able to find industry relevant information on their website as here they publish press releases, latest publications, and current laws. |
Spain General Directorate of Insurance and Pensions |
The General Directorate of Insurance and Pensions is accountable and responsible for the regulations and supervision of the insurance and pension sectors of the Spanish Financial Services Industry. You will be able to find industry relevant information on their website as here they publish information on the financial sector. Available in Spanish only. |
Spain National Securities Market Commission (CNMV) |
The National Securities Market Commission (CNMV) is accountable and responsible for the regulations and supervision of the capital markets sector of the Spanish Financial Services Industry. You will be able to find industry relevant information on their website as here they publish news on the markets and their domestic players. |
Sweden Finansinspektionen (FI) |
Finansinspektionen (FI) is charged with the oversight and regulation of the Swedish Financial Services Industry. You will be able to find industry relevant information on their website as here they publish recent news, regulations, authorization applications, and reports. |
Switzerland Financial Markets Authority (FINMA) |
The Financial Markets Authority (FINMA) is accountable and responsible for the regulations and supervision of the Financial Services Industry within Switzerland. Their website publishes a good amount of information on regulation, Laws, enforcement, and institutions. Their website is available in 4 languages, namely German, French, Italian, and English. |
Taiwan Financial Supervisory Commission |
The Financial Supervisory Commission is charged with the oversight and regulation of the Financial Services Industry within Taiwan. Their website publishes information laws, publications, and statistics. |
Tanzania Capital Markets and Securities Authority (CMSA) |
The Capital Markets and Securities Authority (CMSA) is charged with the oversight and regulation of the Tanzanian Financial Services Industry. You will be able to find industry relevant information on their website as here they publish news on legislation and educational programs. |
Tunisia Conseil du Marché Financier |
Tunesian Bank regulations entity resposible for all activities trading related |
Turkey Banking Regulation and Supervision (BRSA) |
The Banking Regulation and Supervision Authority (BRSA) is accountable and responsible for the regulations and supervision of the banking sector of the Turkish Financial Services Industry. You will be able to find industry relevant information on their website as here they publish news on legislation, statistics, and publications. |
Turkey Capital Markets Board of Turkey |
The Capital Markets Board of Turkey is charged with the oversight and regulation of the capital markets sector of the Financial Services Industry within Turkey. Their website publishes laws, a list of institutions, and resources specifically for investors. |
Uganda Capital Markets Authority (CMA) |
The Capital Markets Authority (CMA) is accountable and responsible for the regulations and supervision of the Financial Services Industry within Uganda. Their website publishes resources such as investor education, publications, and legislation. |
Ukraine Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) |
The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) is accountable and responsible for the regulations and supervision of the Ukrainian Financial Services Industry. The website includes resources such as the FCA library (which includes publications and research) and the FCA handbook (which includes legislation and regulations). |
United Kingdom HM Treasury |
The HM Treasury is accountable and responsible for the regulations and supervision of public finances within the United Kingdom. Their website publishes information on budgets, regulations, and consultations. |
United States Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) |
The Commodities Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) is charged with the oversight and regulation of the futures sector of the United States Financial Services Industry. You will be able to find industry relevant information on their website as here they publish press releases, market reports, and information on regulation. |
United States Department of the Treasury |
The Department of the Treasury is charged with the oversight and regulation of the use of public finances in the Financial Services Industry of the United States. Their website publishes information on Treasury policies and services. |
United States Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) |
The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) is accountable and responsible for the regulations and supervision of the banking sector of the Financial Services Industry in the United States. Their website publishes information on regulation and consumer protection as well as industry analysis and case studies. |
United States Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) |
The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) is charged with the oversight and regulation of the capital markets segment of the Financial Services Industry in the United States. Their website publishes information on regulation, compliance, and education for both industry professionals and investors. |
United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) |
The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is accountable and responsible for the regulations and supervision of the securities sector of the Financial Services Industry in the United States. The website contains information on regulation, enforcement, and education. |
List Regulators of the Forex Market
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